Raising Alabama Jumpers: The Best Yard and Garden EarthwormBruce started raising worms for his personal fishing needs over 35 years ago. Since then he has expanded by raising and writing books on the best seller 14 Day Worm Castings, red wiggler worms, African nightcrawlers, European nightcrawlers and Alabama Jumpers. In the world of earthworms, there is perhaps no one more knowledgeable than South Carolina's "Worm Expert" Bruce Galle... ... Master Wormologist." OutdoorLife Magazine The Worm Guy shows you his secret to raising Alabama Jumpers in controlled environments when everyone else stated it could not be done. Watch them grow and reproduce faster. Learn to group them by size in separate trays automatically. He also walks you through other methods of worm farming these worms from in ground and above ground pits, windrow and more. Find out what is truly unique with the hatching of these cocoons.Dimensions: 22.86 x 15.24 x 0.28 centimetres (0.06 kg)ブルース氏は、35年以上前の彼の個人的な釣りのニーズのために虫を飼い始めました。
ミミズの世界では、おそらくサウスカロライナの "Worm Expert" Bruce Galleより知識のある人はいません... ... Master Wormologist。
"OutdoorLife Magazine Worm Guyは、制御された環境でAlabama Jumpersそれらを実行することができないと言われています。
寸法:22.86 x 15.24 x 0.28センチメートル(0.06 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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